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Having your band's music available on online platforms such as Spotify and Pandora not only allows you to reach a larger audience, but includes added benefits and data insights. In this blog post, we'll dig into Spotify's Fan Insights and Pandora's AMP, as well as the value of this information for your band.


To have access to Spotify Fan Insights, you need to have your band's music on Spotify through a digital distribution company (ie CD Baby) in addition to having a personal Spotify account. Once you have those two things completed, visit to request access. From there you'll need to follow three basic steps, and once you are approved you'll be able to view a wide array of data relating to your Spotify artist account.

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Spotify Fan Insights lets you track your daily and monthly listeners, find out where your fans are finding your music, view fan demographics, find the cities where fans are listening to your music, and much more. A few instances where this data can be useful could be when planning a tour or taking out a targeted Facebook ad campaign.

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Additionally, once you have claimed your Spotify page you'll be able to add geo-targeted tour dates and sell merch right on your artist page as well as easily update your profile pictures.

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AMP (Artist Marketing Platform) is Pandora's insights platform that tracks a lot of the same data as Spotify Fan Insights. As with Spotify, first you'll need to submit your music for inclusion on Pandora. Pandora is a little more selective when choosing music however, and can deny your submission for any number of reasons.

The data-driven insights available through Pandora AMP are very similar to what is offered on Spotify and can help you determine which of your tracks are performing best with your fans. Unlike Spotify, Pandora is very random discovery-based, so other than promoting your Pandora Station, you have very little influence over whom your music reaches. This can be good because it evens the playing field between artists big and small, but it isn't as great since you just have to hope that your music reaches the right people based on similar tastes and those fans seek you out on other platforms.

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As with Spotify Fan Insights, there is a vast amount of data based on location and demographics on Pandora AMP. Use this geographic data to plan out your tours and target Facebook ads to reach those fans that are listening to your music.

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What uses have you been able to cultivate using data-driven insights? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook Page.